

Shelved is a meme inspired from In My Mailbox by Kristi of The Story Siren. This will feature the books I bought received or borrowed for the past month(s)


Miss A. Talks is basically my rave and rants of everything under the sun. I don’t have any plans of setting up a personal blog (I know how lazy I am in writing) but there are times that I would want to talk about things I don’t normally do or an event I went to or anything significant that is happening in my life. Since this blog has been more of a review-hobby-related-blog, it was difficult for me to suddenly switch in my drama-personal mode. There are days that I want to talk and talk and talk about random things. I decided to have this little corner once in a while for myself. This is a semi-regular post.


Drama Rerun is  semi-regular meme that aims to review the series I’ve watch years ago. Drama series are not that easy to watch that is why I would try to have at least 4 Drama Reruns every year (one every quarter).  I have to change the original concept of this to give way for new series as well. It would eat most of my time if I’ll have this as a regular activity. It requires patience and commitment. And as I always say, I’m not an avid fan of those two. I just learn to live with it and seek the most convenient way for me to do things I should do.

Here is how Drama Rerun works:
1. Drama Rerun aims to make an unbiased comparison of how I find a series before and at present.
2. Review will be posted every quarter. (One drama every 3 months)

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