When a Romance Junkie Reads

Majority of the books I read is romance. You can easily see that in my Goodreads account since my read shelf consist mostly of contemporary novels and some urban fantasy and paranormal books that have a strong relationship/love arc. I love reading books that makes me giddy and in love. That doesn’t make me a hopeless romantic, okay? I’m the last person you can call that. I just have this crazy mood that when triggered makes me want to read tons of romance. This is the reason I’m having a hard time following a reading plan because once the love junkie in me surfaces, I can’t resist the pull of reading random stories of love. It’s a craving that wouldn’t die no matter what I do. It’s always there

Feel the feels of being in love.

You may have noticed that I haven’t updated my read list and I haven’t had the slightest idea of what I want to read, oh wait, I want ROMANCE [period]. The Mt. TBR in my room is a sight for sore eyes. I don’t want to read any of them. I tried reading some prints but I can’t finish it. I’m always stuck somewhere. It’s easier to read K (my Kindle). This started after I finished reading The Catastrophic History of You and Me. The book left me so emotional I suddenly had the urge to read happy-sappy romance novels, thus, starting my “romance” craving for this year.

I started with recent releases for contemporary and urban fantasy last March then it snow balled into specific character/story details. It’s kindda crazy and even if it’s not a valid reason, I’ll blame it to hormones and PMS just because I can. (Haha)

Random Adult Contemporary and Urban Fantasy: At first it’s random Adult Contemporary and Urban Fantasy, I even read some New Adult but I really can’t bring back my enthusiasm for the genre. Whenever I read dark past, secret, dysfunctional, jaded, and troubled characters/plot in the synopsis I skip them. I can’t remember if I specifically looked for werewolves for UF, I think I did at one point.

Celebrity Romance: After a few random books for contemporary, I wanted to read Celebrity Romance. Not just any CR. I want the protagonist (male) to be an actor, a famous, uber-ly handsome, a-lister, rich movie actor. Thanks for Listopias in GR, it made my search easier. Authors I’ve discovered are R.L Matthewson, and Belle Andre (I read most of her celebrity characters in The Sullivan series).

Sports Romance: The novelty for Hollywood celebrities waned after a few books so I switched to other famous characters, this time in sports. Most of them are football and some are rereads of series I’ve read before by Rachel Gibson, Erin McCarthy and Susan Elizabeth Philips. I also read a few from other authors.

Billionares: Who can resist them? I slashed famous and celebrities from my list then I looked for billionaire bachelors. This one is easier to find since it’s one of the most abused plots in chick lit and contemporary romance. You only have to type “billionaires” in Amazon and you’ll have 50+ pages of ebooks you can purchase. New authors I read are Marian Tee, Jessica Claire (not so new, I read some her of works before) and Marquita Valentine.

Netgalley ARCs: Because I’m so caught up with Sport Romance and Billionaires, I even downloaded ARCs from Harlequin. I got ARCs for Jill Shavis.

Wattpads Books: Sometimes reading published works is tiring. What perfect place can I find raw romance novels but in Wattpad? There are few nice books I’ve read. There are some that are a waste of time (yes, I know it’s irrational to bitch about it when I consciously decided to read or skim WP books despite knowing how raw they are). There are also those that fall on my meh category. I have yet to find a novel in Wattpad that would make me a real fan. As of now, all the books I’ve read from the site aren’t that spectacular. There are books that started out fine then go dragging mid-through. Like I said before, some of them have the potential to get published. They just have to go through a thorough polishing.

Historical Romance: I can’t believe I went back to Historical Romance! (This probably meant that this “romance craving” is out of control.) I don’t know what the fudge made me read HR. You know what’s worse? I discovered I have a freaking fetish for dukes. Hence, another category for my ebook downloads.

Dukedom: I found 30 something novels with this category. I had a hard time finding a really good book to read since I’m not familiar with the go to authors of this genre. So far the authors I’ve read are awesome enough for me to continue their series. Imagine how annoyed I was in learning that HR also has effing series? I thought most are standalone. But I learned that series in HR is different from NA or contemporary trilogies or sagas because they can be read as standalone. Authors I’ve tried and like are Tessa Dare, Courtney Milan, Eloisa James and Stephanie Laurens.

A perfect parting line. (Hahaha!) Love! Love! Love!

I don’t know how long I’d go on like this. Hopefully, this would end this summer. Mt. TBR is just around the corner and my 2014 Challenges would not disappear on a flick of a finger. How about you? What are you reading right now?



Miss A. Talks
Miss A. Talks (10)
Rave and rants of everything under the sun.

In My Mailbox (1)

Chick Lit Galore. I had the sudden urge to read light romances/women’s fiction for the past three months so I ended up hoarding Mina V. Esguerra’s books.

 My Imaginary Ex by Mina V. Esguerra
No Strings Attached by Mina V. Esguerra
Fairy Tale Fail by Mina V. Esguerra
Love Your Frenemies by Mina V. Esguerra

The first two books are published by Summit and I bought them in NBS. I had difficulty looking for My Imaginary Ex since they’re not reprinting the book anymore. The last two are e-books from amazon. As of now, the only Esguerra novella I don’t have is the Interim: Goddess of Love. 😀

One Day by David Nichols
I got this as a gift from Ingrid when we had the 2nd TFG Face to Face book discussion.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Another HB Brand New discounted purchase.

I bought these books for novel writing. I really hope it helps.
The Constant Art of Being a Writer by N.M. Kelby
How to Write a Tagalog Romance Novel by Apple Masallo

I also got free Classic E-books from Amazon.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

ARCs of YA novels from Netgalley.
Torn by Stephanie Guerra
Spellcaster by Cara Lynn Shultz

And here’s my best buy for the month: Hallowed by Cynthia Hand! Finally, it was released in the Philippines and since NBS is running a 20% off sale on all imported books, I got the hardbound copy for only Php 476! I’m so happeee.

What do you got for this month? What do you think should I read first?



IMM is a meme hosted by Kristi of The Story Siren and was inspired by Alea of Pop Culture Junkie.

Saving June

It’s not every day I read books dealing with death, loss, or anything depressing. It’s the reason I didn’t read this book immediately after I got a copy from Netgalley. I haven’t experienced losing a loved one. So I don’t really know how it feels to lose someone you’ve known all your life. I know it’s never easy but how painful would it be if the person didn’t die a natural death but chose to leave instead?

Type HerSaving June by Hannah Harrington

ARC, Harlequin Teen Australia, 336 pages
YA Contemporary

Read from January 15 to 19, 2012

‘If she’d waited less than two weeks, she’d be June who died in June. But I guess my sister didn’t consider that.’

Harper Scott’s older sister has always been the perfect one — so when June takes her own life a week before her high school graduation, sixteen-year-old Harper is devastated. Everyone’s sorry, but no one can explain why.

When her divorcing parents decide to split her sister’s ashes into his-and-her urns, Harper takes matters into her own hands. She’ll steal the ashes and drive cross-country with her best friend, Laney, to the one place June always dreamed of going — California.

Enter Jake Tolan. He’s a boy with a bad attitude, a classic-rock obsession and nothing in common with Harper’s sister. But Jake had a connection with June, and when he insists on joining them, Harper’s just desperate enough to let him. With his alternately charming and infuriating demeanour and his belief that music can see you through anything, he might be exactly what she needs.

Except June wasn’t the only one hiding something. Jake’s keeping a secret that has the power to turn Harper’s life upside down — again.

I’m speechless. For a few seconds after finishing the book, I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling thinking of how a devastating topic I usually avoid turned out to be one of the most striking stories I’ve read in a while. Hannah Harrington’s writing is real, honest and impressive.

Harper, Laney and Jake are believable characters with realistic problems. I love their honest voice and witty banter throughout the whole trip. Harper is not really a likable character but I connected with her. I understand why it was difficult for her to cope with grief; everyone has their own pace of moving on. Jake is mysterious, obsessed with music, sings and plays the guitar and what else? Cool. Laney is an amazing best friend that will go to the ends of the earth to support Harper. I was surprised that Harrington presented a conflict in Laney. Usually, supportive characters like her are just—supportive. Not all authors do this and I admire Harrington for equally sharing the limelight to all her main characters.

The three of them lost June and Harrington showed how they cope with the loss. Laney losing a friend she considers as an elder sister. Jake losing an acquaintance that changed his life. Harper losing a sister she loved. Oh, I like how the stages of grieving was presented in this book. They can be best represented by the lines/dialogues in the novel.

Stages of Grief
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance

I also liked the way religion was discussed in this book. I understand how and why Harper felt that way. I did too. Once. And ever since I became a non-practicing Catholic.

If God does exist, then He’s just an asshole, creating this world full of human suffering and letting all these terrible things happen to good people, and sitting there and doing nothing about it. – Harper

I know this isn’t a good line to share for everyone but this is one of the dialogues I really like from Saving June. When I first read it, I remember I also said the same things 5 years ago. I asked why bad things happen to good people and why He’s not doing anything about it. Just like Harper, I went through a similar process of healing but in the end my faith didn’t come back the way it was. I know a lot of people may not understand my stand with religion but that’s how it is. I appreciated Harrington’s unbiased view of faith in this book. She presented both sides of religion. It doesn’t matter if you’re a firm believer or not. You wouldn’t feel left out. And you won’t feel bad if you’re not a devoted practicing Catholic.

Hannah Harrington turned loss and grief into a compelling story of heart and music. Death isn’t a pre-requisite for you to relate with her characters. Saving June is not just a story of pain and misery; it’s a journey of healing. And at end Harper didn’t only save her sister—she saved herself.

Fantabulous: I can’t stop talking about it!

There is so much beauty in just existing. In being alive. – Harper

You only have one life. Cherish it. Don’t waste it. Don’t give up. Choosing death isn’t bravery—it’s cowardice.

Other Reviews:
Bibliophilic Monologues

Free Reads      
Book # 2 of FreeReads         Book # 7 of 2012

Blurb: Goodreads
Photo Credit: annettesbookspot